Call for applications: PhD program in “Ecological Transition”


Call for applications: PhD program in “Ecological Transition”

Research Area on “Localizing SDGs through System Dynamics-triggered Collaborative Platforms” Center for Sustainability and Ecological Transition (University of Palermo) The Doctoral Program in Ecological Transition is dedicated to addressing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda, tackling global issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource equity. It provides interdisciplinary training […]

Spring School

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 8 anni ago

In this page you can find the detailed program of the sessions, the groups and the reading materials. Detailed Program Groups Reading material for the scheduled classes Click on the files to download the material

SD for Business Strategy – Reading Material

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 8 anni ago

System Dynamics for Production Systems Design and Performance Analysis

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

Course given by Prof. Carmine Bianchi at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management
- The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm – Sweden (Stockholm, KTH, May 30th – June 3rd, 2011) The course aims to cover major aspects of production system design and performance analysis using system dynamics (SD) approach. The course will also include […]

SD for Business Strategy – Sessions

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

DPM in the Public Sector – Schedule

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

Subscribe to Calendars Subscribe to DPM in the Public Sector Calendar directly into your Calendar app (either Computer or Smartphone) by using this LINK Copy the link and paste into your favorite app. If do not know how to do that look at this support page.    

DPM in the Public Sector – Reading List

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

Reading material for the scheduled classes Click on the folder to go to class material  

Planning and control Systems – Reading Materials

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

Click on the item to download the selected file   Subscribe this schedule directly into your Calendar app (either PCs and Phones) by clicking on this LINK Tap on class title to expand the detail view (text version below)      

Dynamic Performance Management in the Public Sector – Course description

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

Course 3: Dynamic Performance Management in the Public Sector 1. Course Description Analysis of the complexity factors that particularly influence and characterize planning, policy design and management in the public sector. Three Dynamic Performance Management (DPM) perspectives are analyzed: an instrumental, an objective and a subjective DPM view. Level: graduate; 10 ECTS points. The course […]

System Dynamics for Business Strategy

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

Course 2: System Dynamics for Business Strategy 1. Course Description Introduction to the system dynamics for business strategy in small medium enterprises. Level: graduate; 10 ECTS points. The course is conducted entirely in English. 2. Learning Outcomes Knowledge and understanding Students are able to apply system dynamics to business strategy formulation and implementation, with a […]

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