Spring School </br> University of Palermo May 23rd-27th

Economia delle Aziende Pubbliche

Spring School
University of Palermo May 23rd-27th

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 8 anni ago

The Spring School Driving Sustainable Growth Through “Outcome-Based” Dynamic Performance Management in the Public Sector, is offered together with the attendance to the 7th edition of the “Azienda Pubblica” Workshop and the International Symposium on “The Paradigm Shift from Output to Outcome Measures In the Public Sector” organized in collaboration with the international journal of Public Administration (IJPA)     Overview of the […]

Economia delle Aziende Pubbliche – Materiale didattico

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago

Scarica le Slides

Economia delle Aziende Pubbliche – Descrizione

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 9 anni ago