ENABLING COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE THROUGH SYSTEMS MODELING METHODS Fostering coordination in public policy design and implementation Call for Chapters A volume edited by: Carmine Bianchi, (University of Palermo, Italy), Luis F. Luna-Reyes (University at Albany USA), and Eliot Rich (University at Albany USA). Scheduled for publication in the Springer Series on “System Dynamics for Performance Management” (http://www.springer.com/series/13452). Download the […]
Doctoral seminars: fruitful opportunities to discuss relevant research topics within the PhD program.
Torna il Bando Funder35 rivolto alle imprese culturali non profit composte da giovani sotto i 35 anni. A disposizione ci sono 2 milioni e 650 mila euro di risorse private per sostenerle, accompagnarle e rafforzarle sia sul piano organizzativo che gestionale, premiando l’innovatività. Promosso da 18 fondazioni – 17 fondazioni di origine bancaria e la […]
The University of Palermo has signed an agreement with Springer which allows students to access and download over 10,000 e-books (both PDF and ePub format) through SpingerLink. The accessible books are limited to those published in 2016. This agreement is valid until June 2017. The book Dynamic Performance Management, published by Prof. Carmine Bianchi is available for download. […]
Risultati Esami Economia Aziendale 30 Giugno 2017 Risultati Esami Economia Aziendale 20 Giugno 2017 Risultati Esami Economia Aziendale A.A. 2016/2017
INTERNATIONAL PH.D. PROGRAM IN MODEL BASED PUBLIC PLANNING, POLICY DESIGN, AND MANAGEMENT HOW TO APPLY: Application for foreign candidates with foreign degree In order to apply, candidates have to use the form at this link: Candidates should also submit, attached to the application, the following documents in pdf format: 1) duly signed Europass curriculum vitae […]
Join the IJPA Symposium and VII Azienda Pubblica Workshop – Plenary Session If required use the following access code 304-778-053 Please turn off your microphone when watching the session.
In this page you can find the detailed program of the sessions, the groups and the reading materials. Detailed Program Groups Reading material for the scheduled classes Click on the files to download the material
Bando di concorso pubblico per 1 borsa di studio post-lauream Attività: Attività di supporto alla realizzazione di un simulatore di System Dynamics dei processi di business del multi sided service market place e di un report dei risultati derivanti dalle simulazioni del business case del Multi Srvice market place Link al Bando Responsabile Scientifico: Prof.Enzo Bivona