Call for contributions to the AAPA panel on “Localizing SDGs”


Call for contributions to the AAPA panel on “Localizing SDGs”

Improving policy analysis and performance governance through outcome-oriented approaches to “localize” the SDG agenda Panel on Localizing SDGs at the Asian Association for Public Administration. Panel Schedule (Time in Shanghai, GMT+8) – 15:00-19:00 – December, 3rd 2022 Zoom Meeting Room ID: 813 8845 8546Password: 058926  Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81388458546?pwd=Mnd6RjNhbzFGTUM2SkNZdEM0RlE1UT09 Panel on Localizing SDGs at the Asian Association for Public […]

Public Administration Review Virtual Symposium on Harnessing the evolutionary advantage of emergent PM regimes

Public Administration Review Virtual Symposium “Harnessing the evolutionary advantage of emergent PM regimes: Strengthening accountability for challenges of modern public administration and governance” You may find the call for papers at the PAR website https://www.publicadministrationreview.com/harnessing-the-evolutionary-advantage-of-emergent-pm-regimes-strengthening-accountability-for-challenges-of-modern-public-administration-and-governance/

Harnessing the evolutionary advantage of emergent PM regimes: a call for papers of PAR

Harnessing the evolutionary advantage of emergent PM regimes: Strengthening accountability for challenges of modern public administration and governance You may also find this call at the following page: https://www.publicadministrationreview.com/harnessing-the-evolutionary-advantage-of-emergent-pm-regimes-strengthening-accountability-for-challenges-of-modern-public-administration-and-governance/

Implementing Collaborative Governance: A Special Issue of Public Management Review

Implementing Collaborative Governance: Models, Experiences, and Challenges A Special Issue of Public Management Review Timeline March 29, 2019: Call for Papers June 14, 2019: Proposals to guest editors July 15, 2019: Proposal decisions to authors to proceed to submission January 15, 2020: Deadline for full papers to guest editors April 3, 2020: 1st round blind […]