Call for contributions to the AAPA panel on “Localizing SDGs”

Master News

Call for contributions to the AAPA panel on “Localizing SDGs”

Improving policy analysis and performance governance through outcome-oriented approaches to “localize” the SDG agenda Panel on Localizing SDGs at the Asian Association for Public Administration. Panel Schedule (Time in Shanghai, GMT+8) – 15:00-19:00 – December, 3rd 2022 Zoom Meeting Room ID: 813 8845 8546Password: 058926  Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81388458546?pwd=Mnd6RjNhbzFGTUM2SkNZdEM0RlE1UT09 Panel on Localizing SDGs at the Asian Association for Public […]

Graduated in Public Management awarded by the Italian Bank association

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  • Posted 4 anni ago

Alessio Fazio, graduated in Public Management, has been awarded by the Italian Bank Association for his Master’s Thesis: “Teleworking and Smart Working. Theory, Comparison and Praxis”. The ceremony of the prize “Giorgio Vincenzi 2018” will be held the 28th of February at the Scuderie di Palazzo Altieri, via Santo stefano del Casco 1, Roma. More info

Job position for Research Assistant at Zurich University of Applied Sciences

With more than 11,000 students and 2,750 employees, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. The interdisciplinary group of the ZHAW Institute for Sustainable Development (INE) identifies future-oriented topics, estimates the development of technologies and their acceptance as well as their potential for dissemination […]


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  • Posted 7 anni ago

ENABLING COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE THROUGH SYSTEMS MODELING METHODS Fostering coordination in public policy design and implementation Call for Chapters A volume edited by: Carmine Bianchi, (University of Palermo, Italy), Luis F. Luna-Reyes (University at Albany USA), and Eliot Rich (University at Albany USA). Scheduled for publication in the Springer Series on “System Dynamics for Performance Management” (http://www.springer.com/series/13452). Download the […]

Ciclo di Seminari del prof. Mark E. Maggio

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  • Posted 8 anni ago

Il prof. Mark E. Maggio, Affiliate Associate Professor presso la George Mason University – School of Public Policy, Washington DC (USA), trascorrerà presso l’Università di Palermo, un periodo da Visiting Professor fino al prossimo mese di giugno 2016. Il prof. Mark E. Maggio terrà un ciclo di seminari presso il DEMS il Dipartimento di “Scienze […]

Spring School
University of Palermo May 23rd-27th

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  • Posted 8 anni ago

The Spring School Driving Sustainable Growth Through “Outcome-Based” Dynamic Performance Management in the Public Sector, is offered together with the attendance to the 7th edition of the “Azienda Pubblica” Workshop and the International Symposium on “The Paradigm Shift from Output to Outcome Measures In the Public Sector” organized in collaboration with the international journal of Public Administration (IJPA)     Overview of the […]

Presentazione tesi del Master in “Modelli di System Dynamics per il Controllo di Gestione”

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  • Posted 9 anni ago

Il prossimo 9 dicembre 2015 alle ore 17.00 presso il Dipartimento DEMS dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, Via Ugo Antonio Amico 3 (ex-Collegio San Rocco), secondo piano (Aula Consiglio), si terrà la presentazione delle tesi realizzate dai partecipanti alla ultima edizione del Master in “Modelli di System Dynamics per il Controllo di Gestione nei processi di […]