PhD Call for Applications 2016



Application for foreign candidates with foreign degree

In order to apply, candidates have to use the form at this link:

Candidates should also submit, attached to the application, the following documents in pdf format:

1) duly signed Europass curriculum vitae (Attachment A);
2) duly signed list of qualifications (Attachment B);
3) duly signed copy of field of study, including marks of each subject (Attachment C);
4) duly signed research project (short summary of the research plan – max five A4 pages);
5) duly signed valid copy of an ID ;

NB. In no case documents required by “Attachment B” shall be submitted along with the application form. If the candidate has publications, s/he can provide a link for the inspection by the Board of Examiners.

All the documents written in foreign languages must be translated into Italian or English, on behalf and under the responsibility of the candidate certifying compliance with original document.

All candidates are admitted with reserve to the competition procedure. If candidates do not take the exam at the appointed time, regardless of the justification, they will be excluded.

The University Administration may order, for justified reasons, the exclusion for lack of requirements, at any time. In this case, the communication would be sent to the email address indicated in the application.

The University Administration is not responsible, in any case, for dispersion of communications due to wrong indications concerning personal and contact data, as permanent address, telephone number or email address, or due to late notification of any modification by the applicant.

The application deadline is July 7th 2016.

Application for candidates with italian degree

In order to apply, candidates have to complete the following online procedure:
a) register on the Portale Studenti at the following link http://studenti.unipa.it (that is htttp://immaweb.unipa.it/immaweb/home.seam) and obtain via e-mail identity credentials and online login on Portale Studenti of the University of Palermo – those ones who already have username and access password can skip to step b);

b) enter Portale Studenti with the credentials received by e-mail (username and password):

connect to http://portale.unipa.it/, click on “LOGIN” and then on “Portale Studenti”; or, on

the following webpage http://studenti.unipa.it, click on “ACCEDI AL PORTALE” situated on
the left side “AREA RISERVATA”.
c) refer to “Pratiche Studente” on the left side of the menu and select “Nuova Pratica”: within the proposed list, click on “Dottorati di Ricerca” and then on “Domanda di partecipazione a
concorso per l’accesso ad un corso di Dottorato di Ricerca”;
d) fill in the form and print the MAV payment receipt of € 50,00 (fifty/00), in no case refundable,
to be paid as indicated in the art. 2 paragraph 4, no later than h 05.00 p.m. of the thirtieth day after the date of publication of this announcement and after the deadline as indicated at the following link: http://portale.unipa.it/amministrazione/area2/set15/uob18/
following notice of the publication on GURI – 4° Serie Speciale – Concorsi ed Esami on 07.06.2016.

The application form that has been filled out online to participate in the competition for

admission to PhD is considered as self-certification according to art. 2 Law 4.1.1968 n.15, art.3 Law n.

127/and D.P.R. n. 445/2000.

Candidates should also submit, attached to the application, the following documents in pdf format:

1) duly signed Europass curriculum vitae (Attachment A);

2) duly signed list of qualifications (Attachment B);

3) copy of field of study,including marks of each subject duly signed and self certificated according to art. 45 D.P.R. n. 445 on 28/12/2000.

4) duly signed research project (short summary of the research plan – max five A4 pages);

5) duly signed valid copy of an ID ;

6) students with physical disabilities higher than 66% must provide certification

NB. In no case documents required by “Attachment B” shall be submitted along with the application form. If the candidate has publications, s/he can provide a link for the inspection by the Board of Examiners.

Applicants with disabilities, according to the Law 104/92 and Law 17/99, have to specify in the application form the needed assistance with respect to his/her handicap, as well as the possible need of additional time to complete examination tests.

All the documents written in foreign languages must be translated into Italian or English, on behalf and under the responsibility of the candidate certifying compliance with original document.

All candidates are admitted with reserve to the competition procedure. If candidates do not take the exam at the appointed time, regardless of the justification, they will be excluded.

The University Administration may order, for justified reasons, the exclusion for lack of requirements, at any time. In this case, the communication would be sent to the email address indicated in the application.

The University Administration is not responsible, in any case, for dispersion of communications due to wrong indications concerning personal and contact data, as permanent address, telephone number or email address, or due to late notification of any modification by the applicant.

To get more info feel free to contact:

Carmine Bianchi, PhD coordinator, carmine.bianchi@unipa.it

Enzo Bivona enzo.bivona@unipa.it

Federico Cosenz federico.cosenz@unipa.it

To get info about the PhD program, please visit the following page. 

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