Note critiche e metodologiche sulla progettazione dei sistemi di programmazione e controllo nell’azienda “regione” – Riflessioni alla luce del caso “Regione Sicilia”
This paper is focused on methodological and critical issues related to the design of planning and control (P&C) systems in Public Regional Governments. The thesis of the author is that the use of a formal/bureaucratic approach, or even an engineered/structured perspective, in P&C systems design may involve negative unintended consequences. The concept of P&C system is firstly focused, in order to outline some basic steps to follow for its implementation in Regional Public Administrations. A number of physiologies and pathologies detected by the author in the Region of Sicily are then analysed and debated.
Paper presentato: “II Workshop Nazionale di Azienda Pubblica”, Cagliari, 12-13 May 2006.
Azienda Pubblica Cagliari