PhD in Public Management – call for applications

PhD in Public Management – call for applications

  • Written by admin
  • Posted 5 anni ago
  • News

Call for Applications — PhD program in “System Dynamics” — Curriculum in “Model Based Public Planning Policy Design & Management”

The international curriculum also awards students with a double degree within a framework of a co-tutelage agreement between the University of Palermo and the foreign partner Universities. In particular, the main aim of the curricula in Model Based Public Planning, Policy Design, and Management is to prepare students for research and teaching in the area of public and private sector growth planning and crisis management, by using a dynamic performance management approach. Such expertise will allow students to make strategic analysis and diagnosis, leading to planning strategies aimed at counteracting weak signals of crisis and fostering a continuous improvement of processes, both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. This expertise is gained through a systemic view of relevant variables pertaining to the policy problem

Scholarships are available. The program is run in English.

Deadline: 2nd August 2024 –  23:59:59 (italian time)

You can find more information at the following link – official website of the University of Palermo:

We look for motivated and active Ph.D. students!

More details on the Ph.D. curriculum at this PAGE (DOWNLOAD THE FLYER).